Monday, April 18, 2011

Yellowstone Beginning Or End

Wyoming-Idaho, USA

44.43 N, 110.67 W
summit elevation 2805 m

Yellowstone is the largest volcanic system in North America. The current caldera was formed by large eruptions 640,000 years ago.

Yellowstone contains 182 geysers and a mud volcano. Yellowstone plateau has been volcanically active for 2 million years.  It has been the scene of some of the world's largest eruptions. The Yellowstone caldera has one of the world's largest hydrothermal systems. The most famous feature in Yellowstone is Old Faithful Geyser.

Just recently, it has been discovered that Yellowstone is much larger than previously thought. It's magma pool is almost twice  the size it was thought to be, and, is slowly rising. Based on recent articles concerning Yellowstone, it has been said that an eruption could render 50% of the US uninhabitable.....

"Pay Attention",

Bobby Sharpe

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